Thursday, November 3, 2011

Assignment 8: Object Connection ( Jointing )

This week, we have to do a puzzle together. Imagine 160++ people doing a big puzzle, it is cool, right? Everyone has to doddle on his/her puzzle piece based on the previous assignments. The theme is free this time so I guess many people are going to produce amazing puzzle pieces.

I have included in the HBP school, my sculpture and also natural geometry - the Sun in my puzzle piece. At first I decided to colour with magic colour but the effect is not satisfying. Thus, I have used poster colour instead. My friends and I decided to do row of puzzles that use "wall" as the background so that we can achieve the aim of this assignment, that is to show oneness/unity. I draw on a piece of drawing paper and paste it on the foam board.

Colouring using magic colour

The puzzle doesn't seem to be satusfying

======================== Hence, is time for a change

After recolouring with poster colours

Glue the drawing block to foam board using white glue

My final product - The Puzzle is ready ~~~~~